We are looking for passionate Auslan users to work with us and join our team!

A Group of People Getting Help from Support Workers

Join Our Team

If you would like to work with us and have special skills or ideas where you would like us to consider you for a particular position, send us an email as we are open to new and exciting ideas that could benefit the Auslan community, in line with the NDIS.

Watch the Worker Orientation Module Video

All staff are encouraged to complete the following:


If you're interested in working with Signpedia as a Support worker, a Support Coordinator, or an Auslan trainer, send an email to us via the contact us page, using the contact us link below.

On the Enquiry form, select Job Applications and ask for a position description to be sent directly to you by our HR team.


We’re here for you, so don’t hesitate to get in touch if you require support or advice.