Signpedia is a registered NDIS provider of tailored services and resources for Deaf, hard of hearing, and nonverbal people, and their families and friends. These services aim to enable access, learning of life skills, confidence, and independence.

Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding to participants to access reasonable and necessary supports to increase independence and promote choice and control.
Signpedia is an NDIS registered provider and uses the same prices as these outlined in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits. The NDIA has published documents that relate to the supply and cost of supports under the NDIS. Signpedia is eligible for TTP support items and prices as per guidelines.
For more information about prices please refer to the NDIS website here.
For other supports for which there are no published prices on the NDIS website, Signpedia’s price list document can be found on this link here.
NDIS Code of Conduct
Signpedia promotes high quality, safe and ethical service delivery in line with the NDIS Code of Conduct. Click the link below to download a copy of the NDIS Code of Conduct.
Signpedia Participant Charter
Signpedia is committed to providing clients with high quality services that are transparent, respectful and uphold your rights. Click the link below to download a copy of Signpedia’s Participant Charter:
Signpedia Privacy Statement
Signpedia is committed to providing high quality services that respect your right to privacy and confidentiality in all aspects of your contact with us. Click the link below to download a copy of Signpedia’s Privacy Statement:
Auslan Videos about the NDIS
Further information about the NDIS is accessible in Auslan in the videos shown below or on the following websites: